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Each day is broken down into three different segments to keep students engaged. 

Schedule A  is tailored for students ages 8 - 13.

Schedule B is tailored for students ages 14-18.


The morning starts with their art majors, followed by their empowerment sessions, and ends with virtual fun!


There are 15 minute breaks in between each class to relax and prepare for their next class.







Aspiring singers  will be taught the fundamentals of healthy vocal production which includes the following: 1)proper posture and breathing to sing, 2) tone production, 3) diction, 4) expression, and 5) gaining confidence.



Students learn the art of acting  for film and theatre. Improvisational skills, monologues, character study and much more.


  • DANCE​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

We offer different forms of dance including ballet, tap, modern, hip-hop, and African. You can choose one or have different classes.



Focuses on the aesthetics of word play and intonation and voice inflection


  • ART

Drawing, painting, and sketching.




Students learn the process of production; (camera operation/cinematography, lighting, sound/field recording) & post production; (editing and color correcting.) 






This course covers basic concepts and practice of digital photography, including understanding and use of the camera, lenses, and other basic photographic equipment. The course will address aesthetic principles as they relate to composition, space, exposure, light and color.




Students will learn how to discover and define their sense of style a personal image that reflects their gifts and talents. We will offer fashion/styling tips, personal branding strategies and self-confidence building tools.




This course is driven to empower,

educate and motivate our youth, through the teaching of cosmetology students will learn skin care/ Hygiene, introduction of the application of color matching foundation, hands on tips and tricks, how to properly promote your business via social media and lastly, self care, love and respect. 



Students will learn how to formulate their own scripts for film, web series, sitcoms, or any project of their choice. 



(choose one)

  • Young Women's Leadership (Girl Boss)

These sessions aim to mentor, inspire, motivate, encourage young women. We aim to provide direction for career goals, assist in finding their purpose in build self-esteem and self respect.

Through deep discussions, team building, vision boards, various projects, guest motivational speakers, girls would learn to be a GIRL BOSS. 


  • Young Men's Leadership

  • Group Therapy

Piano keyboards

instrumental music

(choose one)

  • Piano

  • Guitar


  • Life Skills *Ages 13 & Up*

Designed to increase student knowledge and skills necessary for everyday living. The course emphasizes goal-setting, decision making and problem solving, communication, healthy lifestyles and relationships, nutrition, personal safety, citizenship and consumerism.


  • Fitness

Keeping the body healthy through dance and movement.​


  • Martial Arts

Kru Lazarus understands; the purpose of training in martial arts is to develop coordination between the mind, body and spirit. The martial art drills and learning activities in his classes integrate aerobic stamina and physical strength with concentration skills. You will see that these activities vary depending upon age and skill level. What you learn from his program will help you in every aspect of your life.


Class Consist of:

• Affirmations

• Striking Drills

• Aerobic Exercise

• Conflict Resolution Tactics



  • Meditation & Wellness

As a group we will discuss what meditation is and how it can impact our lives for the better. Students will learn the fundamentals of mindfulness meditation, along with breathwork, and the power of voicing affirmations. 


  • Stage Performance

Performing on stage can be a terrifying experience. This class teaches you how to make sure you have good technique in your performance by building up your confidence up! Stage presence plays an important role when bringing your performance to a higher level of artistry. It’s what captivates an audience and can add an extra spark of excitement. 


  • Public Speaking

​The course aims to reduce students’ anxiety in public presentations, emphasize speech preparation, enhance public speaking skills, and make students better able to evaluate their own performance and that of others.




  • Arts & Crafts

​Arts and Crafts classes are a fun way to promote creativity in kids. Through using their hands to form objects, this type of instruction allows children to bring their thoughts and ideas into reality. 

Weekly Schedule

Ages 8 -13 (Schedule A)

Ages 14 - 18 (Schedule B)

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